Contributors Bios

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

First 2 Days of School- Set the Stage

Many years ago, my colleague Dr. Amy Murphy was trying to find a creative way to get students more active on the first few days of school. It was the day before students reported, but we were having some great conversation regarding the possibilities.  So, we both jumped right in and decided that the first 2 days of school would involve, practically NO teacher-centered activities; no introduction, no going over the syllabus, no passing out textbooks, we scraped all that "traditional" first days of school stuff.  Instead we set up 6 stations around the room.  At each station, students would work in small groups to get all that "administrative, paperwork" stuff done independently.
RESULTS: each year, we are able to walk around the room, facilitating and actually interacting with our students, the minute they walk in the door. Plus, students are actually engaged in these tasks. ALL day, they've been listening to teachers "talk" to them, and probably barely absorbed anything they've heard.  They are are still in summer mode!
PLANNING: we listed all the things that have to get done, such as going over the syllabus, signing lab safety contract, picking up text, exploring teacher website, student information google form, etc.  We then split them up into 6 stations of even time involved.  Each day the groups rotate through 3 stations, so that it will take 2 days.  What you get done on those days, is of course specific for each teacher, so making the list of items is the logically place to start.  
Here is the link to a google folder that has my 6 stations in it.  Adapt as needed!

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